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Our Southern Vacation

My Sister Pat and her daughter Sandi told me they were coming up from Florida to watch the Cubs in Atlanta, so I talked my wife into driving down to join them.  The price of gas was under $3.00 per gallon once we got out of Illinois, so we only spent a little over $125.00 for a round trip.  We visited our Niece, Jean and her family in Georgia. 

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We had lunch in Indianapolis, made a stop at this rest area before heading for Nashville.

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We wanted to spend the night in Nashville, but the NASCAR fans filled the motels, so we continued on to Murfreesboro.

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We had lunch in Chattanooga, then we stopped at a state park in Georgia, near Marietta.

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We arrived at Jean and Jeff's house in the late afternoon, just in time for a great home cooked meal.

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They have a new pet, who is top dog in his obedience class.

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Their softball and equestrian champ.

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Showed us her room and trophies.

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We really enjoyed watching the birds visit the bird feeders.

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Jeff cooked up some great brats.

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We went to Chick-Fill-A for lunch.

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We went to Mt. Kennesaw

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The Dog and the kids ran out of gas.

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We watched the Cubs beat the Braves 2-1 in HD on this 50 inch TV

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After 2 days, we headed for the Downtown Atlanta Marriott to meet my sister, Pat, Sandi and Steve. 

June 8th and 9th in Atlanta

Vacations and Road Trips

 January 1998 San Jose`  

  August 2000 Florida Keys

March 2001 San Jose`

Winter Olympics February 2002 Salt Lake City   

August 2002 Hawaii 

February 2003 Las Vegas

January 2004 Texas Wedding 

March  2004 Denver Denver Trip

August 2004 Ohio  Niagara   Toronto   Milwaukee  Hockey Hall of Fame pictures

July 2005 LaGrange for a new hip!

March  2006 Dan and I go to Toronto

March 21, 2007 My first trip to Alaska

June 2007  Our trip to Atlanta

September 26, 2007 My second trip to Alaska

March 6, 2008 Duffers go to Arizona

March 23, 2009 Arizona with my sister Pat  Page 2

12 Trips to  Peoria

 Nashville 2010

 June 2010 Smokie Mountains Family Reunion

Pittsburgh 2011

 June 25, 2011 Mackinac Island at the Grand Hotel for our 50th Anniversary

 June 25, 2012 Galena with Kathie and the Kids

 July 25, 2012 Bowling Green Kentucky Softball Nationals

 June 2013 Smokie Mountains Family Reunion

March 2015 Detroit 2015Page 2Page 3Page 4

 February Detroit 2016Page 2Page 3

March 2016 Cub Spring Training

 Family Reunion 2016

 March 2018 Arizona and Joshua Trees National Park

 April 2019 Holy Week in Florida

 To E-mail the Duffer News Web master, just click here! g.lopatka@comcast.net

You can e-mail History updates to Beak. 

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Duffer road trips

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