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Luke Daniel was born at 12:04 P.M. at Central DuPage Hospital on October 29, 2007.  He will be home for Halloween.  He weighed in at 8 pounds 6 ounces.  Sabine and Dan are doing fine.
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Luke Daniel was 3 hours old when I took this.

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He just found out he was scheduled for a circumcision tomorrow.

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Snow White is getting her shoes on.

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The princess Mermaid and Snow White are ready

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3 days later, Luke and Sabine were home for Halloween

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Luke's big sisters went out looking for treats. 

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Luke at 9 days

First Day Audrey, Grace and Dan Pictures

First Day Audrey, Grace and Dan Pictures

Audrey was born on February 15, 2005

Grace was born on April 1st, 2002 

More pictures on the Lopatka Photo Site

To send a message, just click here! greg@lopatka.net

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